You cannot be 10 minutes or later to your appointment. If you are, you will have to re-schedule. I am EXTREMELY FIRM on this. I will not accept you if the clock is at 10 or more minutes past your scheduled time. Please call to re-schedule if you think you are even close to being over 10 minutes. There's nothing worse than a client still showing up and it is well over the 10 minute mark and they still expect for me to take them. This not only throws me off, but the clients that follow. Again, I will not take you if this is the case. Just trying to run my schedule in an efficient manner to be respectful of me and my clients time!
To cancel/change your appointment, you must call & leave notice within 24 hours of your scheduled time. If you do not, a $10 fee will be applied to your next appointment. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. This also applies to those who are too late to their appointments.
I DO NOT take same day appointments under any circumstances. A minimum of 1 full week (that is a full 7 days) notice is required when scheduling an appointment. (It can sometimes be longer than 7 days out, especially during the warmer months) Also, if you are interested in scheduling several services within one appointment, that takes a larger gap in scheduling. Therefore, you most certainly will need to plan a couple weeks in advance as larger blocks of time book further out.
If you schedule more than one service within the same appointment, but show up and say you do not need one or more of the scheduled services done, half the price of each service you scheduled but did not follow through with will be charged. I stack my schedule according to how long each requested service takes. For example, if you schedule an eyebrow, upper lip and brazilian then arrive and tell me you only need your eyebrows done, that leaves me a block of empty time I could have extended to another client.
I will still see you! As long as you have a tampon or cup, (something inserted IN), I can still do the service successfully. If you cancel due to being on your cycle, my cancellation policy still stands. I will charge you $10 if you cancel in less than 24hrs of your appt time.
All of this information is to run my business efficiently and to be fair to everyone. I want to be able to provide the best service I can to my clients and therefore, these rules are set in place to be able to do so. I understand things/life happens, I've been there! But again, I'm just trying to run my business efficiently to be fair to everyone.
I appreciate your cooperation and thank you so much for understanding!